Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I admit. I am a Renuzit fan for life! I've used the cones for some time now so when I was presented with the opportunity to try their new line, Renuzit Fresh Accents I said...''psssh, YEAH!'' =) 

First off, I should mention, I DON'T use the cones in a 'traditional' way...I use them in my garbage cabinets! WHAT?! What's a garbage cabinet, you ask? Ha! I may have ranted about the lack of space in my home a time or two but I'll give it another go~ In this house, there is NO WHERE to place a garbage can...kid you not, unless I want to block a cabinet or drawer OR step over a small waste basket, there's no where to put one :-/ Initially, I thought's obvious there was NO mother's input in the architecture of this building ...but then I thought, uh - WHO wants to see a garbage can anyway? Enter the garbage cabinet! I don't store cleansers under the sink like some do - I have VERY busy little people here and well, honestly - no time for Emergency room visits SO my cleaning products...are in my cleaning cabinet! (We'll have plenty of time to talk about that ;) Anywho, my garbage cans (yes canS, one for garbage like food waste and one for recycling) are in the cabinet - under the sink. This could be one funky space if it weren't for the Renuzit cones! Inexpensive and wonderfully scented, opening the garbage cabinet is always a pleasant experience...I LIKE that! I also use them in my bathroom garbage cabinets - hey, they've even made stinky diapers a pleasant experience...well, for what it's worth! 

So check these out:

Huh?! From Renuzit ?! The cone people?! I can't just tuck these away in a cabinet...or can I? My first reaction was but, they're PRETTY! and sleek, nut bulky...they're actually DECORATIVE! I was hesitant to use them, because I wasn't sure where I'd put away the went tucked into my cleaning cabinet :) It was a tough decision, as much as I wanted to show them off, I finally decided, I'd use them in my usual way. What this meant though for me, is I would wipe down and rearrange my cabinets so they could be seen, should anyone want to toss something into the garbage =D 

In they went, one Festive Snow freshener in the kitchen cabinet and one Winter Berry freshener in the upstairs hall bathroom ( this is the 'kid's bathroom' and trust me...MUCH needed in that one compared to the others! ) I can telly you, I LOVE the new scents! My cabinets smell so so so so good! I've been accidentally on purpose leaving one cabinet cracked a bit ...or even wide open! LOL~ they really smell good and I am enjoying them! The new Renuzit Fresh Accents are a new favorite here the design is lovely, the fragrance long lasting, and the price is right!

I was also given 3 coupons for some free ones (SCORE!) Yes...I kept one for my downstairs bathroom and gave one to my mom and one to my neighbor (who happens to be the BEST neighbor in the world!) Of course one is never enough so I went out stalking the shelves of Target until I found them! I now have a stash in my cleaning cabinet, I won't be without the freshness of these goodies for a while! #HaveYouTriedThese?!

Renuzit brand provided free samples of Fresh Accents
air freshener for this post. My participation is voluntary and my
opinions, as always, are my own.

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